Game Day – Wildcats v Bulldogs

It’s almost game day!  Sunday at 11:30 am for Bantam and JV 3:30 pm  at Ether Shriner Stadium located at 5720 Bathurst Street, North York, M2R 3W2.

All Bantam players are to report to Rolly Fisher at 5:30 am.  The bus will be leaving at 6:00 am with, or without the players. 

All JV players are to report to Rolly Fisher at 9:00 am.  The bus will be leaving at 9:30 am with, or without the players.

Please make sure the players have everything they need for the game, we do not bring extra equipment so if they forget something, they can not play.  Make sure to remember mouth guards.  There will be showers, so bring a change of clothes and a towel.

As we are leaving early in the morning, please bring healthy food for on the bus and lots of water to hydrate.  Drinking water before the game is very important.   Please avoid peanuts in case we have any allergies.  If there are any allergies or medical issues we should know about ahead of time, please let us know. We plan to arrive at Esther Shiner at 1:00 pm which gives 2.5 hours for the players to change,  and

We plan to arrive at Esther Shiner at 9:30 (Bantam) and 1:00 pm (Junior Varsity) which gives 2.5 hours for the players to change,  and get to the field for warm ups and ready for kick off

About the stadium:  There are metal bleachers, so no need to bring chairs.  Admission to the game is $5 per person, 12 and under free.  There is no pets allowed. Washrooms are available in a brick building to the right of the stadium.  Water will be provided during the game for the players.  There is a  snack bar at the stadium for the fans.

The game lasts approx 2  hours. The teams will be stopping at the closest Onroute after that for a dinner.  Please, make sure your player has some cash or brings their dinner.  At the Onroute, the players go in and grab what they need and eat on the bus on the way home.  We expect to arrive back at Rolly Fisher around 6:30pm (Bantam) and  11 pm (JV) .  I will be updating the facebook and twitter North Bay Junior and Bantam Bulldogs of scores highlights and bus arrival times. So if you have not joined this page or twitter you should.

Please remind players that bullying is not acceptable at any time, be respectful for all teammates, there may be medical issues that players are not aware of with their teammates and any comment to another player about a look or reaction to a situation may be a medical situation that we as coaches are well aware of,  please be sensitive to all players and refrain from making fun of any situation.

Again, if your player is not able to attend this Sunday’s game please advise me immediately.  If your player is not taking the bus to or from the game either one or both ways there is a form that needs to be signed.  Please advise if you require one.

And last but not least if you can come early tonight at 5:30 we can use the extra half hour to prepare for the game.  If it is not possible we understand it’s a time crunch after work.

If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know!


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