Noah Dugas

Here is the situation for Noah Strong from their Facebook page In the last few months, Noah has had some health concerns which led to the last incident on August 29th, 2020 being a more severe stroke. Since this day,…

Gym Sessions Delayed

As you are all aware we find ourselves in somewhat uncharted waters pertaining to an ongoing pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. As things stand now, all school boards have closed their schools for the rest of this month.…

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Sunday, April 8, 2018, at the Callander Community Centre at 1984 Swale Street in Calander the North Bay Bulldogs are hosting a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser.  Cost is $15 per person which includes your meal as well as bottled water.…

Camp Day 2016

Tim Horton's helps the kids in low income situations have an opportunity to gain valuable life skills and build them up in a positive way. The North Bay Bulldogs want to help the kids in our community succeed. Many of…

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