2022 Summer Season Information

Hello Parents, Players, and Coaches, Bantam age group is players born in 2008 and 2009 (occasionally we have had 2010 players that will come out a year early to give it a try) JV age group 2006 and 2007 SV age group…

2021 Summer Football

GREAT NEWS!! We are prepared to release the news that we will be operating Summer Football this year! Please find attached a Draft of the 2021 Registration Form for Bulldogs Summer Football. The OPFL will be offering provincial competitive football…

Gym Sessions Delayed

As you are all aware we find ourselves in somewhat uncharted waters pertaining to an ongoing pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. As things stand now, all school boards have closed their schools for the rest of this month.…

2020 Bulldog Preseason Primer

Bulldog fans, players and supporters we are gearing up for the 2020 Summer season. The North Bay Bulldogs are still in the OPFL for our three younger teams and the men are firmly entrenched in the Northern Football Conference.…

Battle of the North JV and NFC

The JV and Mens double header vs the Sudbury Spartans is hosted at 198 Centennial Drive at James Jerome Sports Complex. Admission to the game in Sudbury is $10 per person, 12 and under are free. This gets you in…

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The North Bay Bulldogs gives players of all ages a chance to play exciting-action-packed competitive football. Join Today