2015 OMFL Schedule Revision


The OMFL has released and revised their 2015 Bulldogs Game schedule. Under the respective Bantam and JV menu there is now a list of upcoming games. Also the dynamic sidebar will also display the games and event as they approach.

Keep in mind this information is subject to change due to factors beyond our control but we will make every attempt to update you, our loyal Bulldog’s family, with the most current information we have. As always we will send email to our list, update you here on our website and post to you on Facebook .

Your patience is appreciated.

We have the times and dates for the Home games but the game times for the away games have not yet been released by the OMFL. We will update them here when we have them.

All practices will be full equipment unless otherwise mentioned.  Practices will be held at Omischl Sports Complex from now until our first game at which time we will be at Rollie Fischer (Thompson Park) for the remainder of the year.

Also, If you notice something that doesn’t match up. A date, venue, google map link, team name or other please let us know cmajor@northbaybulldogs.com so we can correct it for everyone.

Downloadable/printable Calendar in a PDF format:
2015 Dogs Schedule

Online Game Schedules and Calendars
Bantam Game Schedule and Results
Junior Varsity Game Schedule and Results

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