2018 Season Schedule Update

Summer is fast approaching and the OPFL and the NFC have issued their tentative drafts of the game schedule. This article is a compilation of information to help you navigate the game schedule and add clarity to the dates and time for practices and games.

NorthbayBulldogs.com have provided a calendar with dates, times, and google map locations that can sync with your device at the links listed. Keep in mind that change happens so check back on a regular basis to ensure you have the current information. Please understand that the practice schedule is the same week in – week out so we are not going to show it on the website but it is on our printable calendar.  For updates or changes, NorthbayBulldogs.com, your coaches, and our Facebook pages will keep you informed of upcoming events and changes.

Bantam Game Day Schedule:  https://northbaybulldogs.com/calendar/2018-bantam-game-calendar/
Junior Varsity Game Day Schedule:  https://northbaybulldogs.com/calendar/2018-jv-game-calendar/
Varsity Game Day Schedule:  https://northbaybulldogs.com/calendar/2018-varsity-game-calendar/
NFC  Game Day Schedule:  https://northbaybulldogs.com/calendar/2018-nfc-game-schedule/

For those who want to have a physical copy here is the printable media in PDF format: 2018 Dogs Game Sched Rev

Weather will not cancel practice unless there is lightning in the immediate area or the city closes the field. We will let you know when the practice is called off. Otherwise, dress for the conditions.  As you will notice practices are heavy up until our first game as we prepare to be ready game one May 19th here at home. (11 practices before game one).  Please note all practices up to and including May 17 are at Omischl on Lakeshore.  Starting May 18th onwards will be at Rolly Fisher behind the memorial gardens.  Please try to make as many practices as possible as every practice there will be new plays being added.  

The Bulldogs are looking forward to a great season of action so we don’t want you missing any of the lead-up or the games.

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