2019 Preseason Info

Welcome to you all!  We have many returning players as well newcomers for the 2019 season.

First of all, thank you for registering.  This post will have lots of information in it for you.

PARENT PLAYER MEETING: We will be having a parent/player meeting on Wednesday, February 20th at 6:15 at West Ferris High School in the Auditorium.  This information session will tell you a bit about the summer program, what is involved, parents and players will have the opportunity to meet the coaches for the Junior Varsity program for 2019.   What we expect from the players, coaches, parents, and everyone involved with the North Bay Bulldogs.  If you know of anyone thinking about playing, they are welcome to come out as well.  In the end, there will be an opportunity to ask questions you may have.  We will go over the player code of conduct which the player must sign.  And go over the parent code of conduct.

PRESEASON IN GYM SESSIONS: We also have set up our preseason in gym sessions at Widdifield High School in the Gymnasium from 5-6:30 on the following Saturdays: March 23, March 30, April 6, April 13, April 20, April 27 and May 4 (if the fields are not open by then).  Players are to wear gym clothes, indoor shoes and be sure to bring a water bottle.  Change rooms will be available to change before and after.   If for any reason your player can not make a session, please let me know so I can let the coaches know.  The purpose of the indoor training is to get the players moving, meet their coaches,  learn some new skills etc…  As once the fields open, we usually only have 2-3 weeks before our first game to put everything in place to prepare for the first game..

PLAYER FEES: As you know the cost for the season is $600, plus there is a $50 insurance fee that has to be completed online (more info on this coming soon).  Payment is due in full by June 1, 2019.  A deposit of $200 must be paid prior to equipment being handed out.   For every $100 you have paid before the parent player meeting on the 20th you will get a ballot in an early bird draw to win a bike valued at over $800 (donated by Hopper Buick GMC).  A big thank you to Hoppers for their ongoing support of the Bulldogs. The fee includes travel to and from away games, equipment (accept for mouth guard and cleats).  On away game days, we usually bring a boxed lunch or breakfast depending on game times and we usually stop for lunch or supper on the way back at an enroute so they will need a little bit of money for purchasing lunch or dinner or some prefer a boxed lunch.  We suggest $200 by April 1st, $200 by May 1st and $200 by June 1st, but we are accepting payments now in order to spread them out a bit more.

Ways to pay registration fees:  email transfer is the most popular these days and you can email me at christa@d-linsurance.com.  Source for Sports on Fisher Street also accepts payments and registrations, there you can pay by cash, cheque, credit or debit card.  Or in person at in gym sessions by cash or cheque.

For home game days we have a game day booklet and you can go to the community to offset your player fees.  The first $100 you collect in sponsors will go the club.  Any sponsors you get after the $100 can be applied to your player fees.  For example, if you get $700 in sponsors $100 goes to the club, $600 to player fees, or if you get $300 in sponsors the first $100 goes to the club, $200 towards player fees.  If you are interested in this option let me know and I can send you the costs for sponsors.

Bingos, we have a Bingo spot every second Saturday which if you volunteer, we can reduce player fees, please let me know if you are interested in this option.

Kidsport and Jumpstart programs are available as well.  Apply now to be sure to get approved.

GAME DAY VOLUNTEERS: Game Day, we are always looking for hydration crew, trainers, stats, film people, photographer for home and away games plus for home games we are always looking for help for things such as field set up and take down, working our BBQ, front gate (collecting entry fee of $5, selling 50/50, pop chips, clothing), and DJ/announcer and stick crew.  If any of these things interest you let me know and I can add you to our list.


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