Bantam Gym Information


Bulldog_BantamI know with the weather we are getting it doesn’t look like we are going to get out on the field anytime soon, but as soon as the snow comes off Omischl we will be hitting the field.  In the meantime I know the practices we have been running on the Saturday nights have not been mandatory practices as we have just been starting to get everyone moving.

As of Saturday April 09, 2016 that will change, as of this Saturday the coaches will start to evaluate the players attending practices to see where their strengths are.  So if you plan on playing this summer, this weekend is time to start attending every practice.  We will start to separate the players into their perspective positions and could start using and explaining our terminology and systems so it is very important that the players start coming to all practices so they don’t fall behind.

As discussed at the parent, player meeting at this level we will strive to get every player that can safely be put on the field some playing time.  However missing practices and not understanding the plays, systems or terminology that we are using will not allow us to put a player on the field.  If you are going to miss practice it is also important to let your positional coach or the head coach know so we can make sure you are caught up when you return.

Last but not least starting Saturday April 09, 2016 if you plan on playing offense please wear a white or yellow t-shirt to practice (QB’s wear red), if you plan on playing defense please wear a navy blue or black t-shirt.  If you are unsure and just want to play wherever you’re needed where the defense colors until told otherwise.

Thank you

Coach Eric

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